How Long Does Beer Last in a Growler?
Welcome beer lovers! We all know that beer tastes best when it’s fresh, so today, we’re talking about how to make sure your growler of beer stays fresh.
How long does your beer last in a growler? We’ll answer that and provide some tips on how to keep your precious brews in the best condition possible. So let’s get started!
What is a Growler & How Does it Affect Beer’s Longevity?
A growler is an airtight jug that allows you to take fresh draft beer home with you. Its double-walled construction helps keep the beer colder for longer, but it also creates an environment where bacteria can thrive if the growler isn’t properly maintained.
The oxygen present in a typical growler can speed up the aging process, which could lead to souring and off-flavors over time.
Storage Considerations
- Properly clean and sanitize your growler before each use.
- Use amber or stainless steel growlers if possible; clear glass won’t protect the beer from light as well.
- Take caution when filling; try not to introduce any extra oxygen by pouring too quickly or filling too full.
- Fill your growler directly from the tap faucet; this will help limit oxidation and reduce the chances of contamination
- Keep your growler cool and out of direct sunlight when not in use.
Kept Refrigerated
Refrigeration will significantly prolong your beer’s shelf life, however, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels naturally decrease over time, regardless of temperature so expect some loss of carbonation over time even if kept cold.
Generally speaking, a well-maintained refrigerated growler should remain drinkable for up to two weeks and be consumed within three weeks of filling it.
Kept at Room Temperature
At room temperature, your beer will obviously spoil much faster when compared with refrigeration due to increased bacterial activity at higher temperatures.
Most craft beers have an optimal consumption window of 1-2 days when kept at room temperature, however, some may remain drinkable for up to 5 days depending on the particular style of beer being stored in the container.
Effects of Light on Beer When Kept in a Growler
Ultraviolet (UV) light can adversely affect hop flavors and aromas while simultaneously increasing skunky off-flavors due to light aroma molecules reacting with UV light rays found outdoors and indoors alike. Therefore, keeping your filled growlers away from bright lights (natural or artificial) is always recommended to help preserve their flavor as long as possible!
Can You Re-Use a Growler?
Yes! You can wash out your used growlers with hot water and soap or run them through a dishwasher for convenient cleaning between uses if desired (although hand washing is always recommended). Just make sure you sanitize them with hot water after each wash cycle before filling — this will help keep any nasties from getting into each new batch of brew!
Other Ways to Prolong The Life Of Your Beer
Here are some other tips that’ll help you get more out of every fill:
- Opt for larger batches when possible – smaller batches tend to last less time due to a higher surface area per liquid ratio resulting in quicker oxidation
- Buy two smaller tanks instead of one large one – this will help minimize potential waste/oxidation due to air pockets in filled portions
- Always keep tabs on how old/freshly filled each batch is – set aside certain glassware/pour accordingly so that you’re able to pour fresh beers first followed by older ones once they come close expiration date
- Pour slower than normal – minimize oxygen buildup during pour as gradual oxidation tends better preserve flavor
- Serve beers coldest during the first few days before allowing thermometer readings to increase gradually over the course of following week(s)
There you have it folks! Here’s what we know about keeping our precious brews minty fresh: make sure you properly cleanse and sanitize your container before each use, store it away from bright lights, and fill the containers directly from taps without introducing excess oxygen by pouring too quickly or too full.
Keep them chilled unless consuming immediately afterward, and follow storage guidelines based on the particular style being poured/hypoallergenic maintenance regimens for multiple foliage maximization options available as well!
All right then – raise those glass panels toast ’em all high cheers everyone 🙂
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