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How Much Does A 12-Pack Of Beer Weigh?

Article Highlights

  • The average weight of a 12-pack beer: 37 lbs (17 kg)
  • Factors influencing beer weight: the size of cans/bottles, volume per can/bottle, type of beer
  • Light beers weigh less than regular beers due to fewer calories & ingredients
  • Alcohol content affects beer weights due to increased densities from fermentable sugars
  • Lagers tend to be lighter than ales due to lower temperatures & fewer fermentable sugars

Ever been to a party or tailgate and wondered just how much that 12-pack of beer weighs?

Whether to save your arm from getting tired or figure out how to split the weight evenly between two people, this article will answer your question.

Average Weight of 12-Pack Beer

A 12-pack of beer weighed in at 37 pounds (17 kg) on average. The vast majority of beers come in standard twelve-ounce cans or bottles, with uncompressed cans being especially lightweight.

It should be noted that most brewers are now using sixteen-ounce cans for their standard packaging, which will increase the weight of a 12-pack a bit.

Factors Influencing Beer Weight

There are several factors that play into the weight of a beer’s case. First is the size of cans/bottles it is packaged in, then the volume per can/bottle and type of beer itself. Let’s take a look at each one!

  • Size Of Cans/Bottles: The size of the can/bottle plays an important role in determining how much a case weighs. Larger tin and aluminum cans will weigh more than smaller bottles due to their greater density, while glass bottles will usually be heavier than tin due to their heavier material makeup.
  • Volume per Can/Bottle: Not all beers contain equal volumes per container either; higher alcohol content beers have a higher density and therefore weigh more per container than lower alcohol content brews. In addition to the alcohol content level (ABV% – Alcohol by Volume), other ingredients such as fruit, hops, etc., may also affect the overall weight per container as well.
  • Types Of Beer: Different types of brewing styles also have an effect on beer weights. For example, India Pale Ales (IPAs) tend to be heavier due to their additional malt content, while low-calorie light beers are typically lighter due to their lower-calorie recipes and reduced ingredients list.

Differentiating Light and Regular Beer Weights

While many factors influence how much a case weighs, one common thread between all types is that light beers generally weigh less than regular ones!

This is because light beers often contain fewer calories and fewer total ingredients than regular brews – leading them to be lighter in both volume and overall mass when compared side-by-side with regular beers.

Alcohol Content

Beyond simple ingredient list differences between light and regular brews, another key factor contributing toward beer weights is alcohol content; higher ABV% levels correspond with greater weights per container due to increased densities created by additional fermentable sugars present in each can/bottle.

Therefore, higher ABV% levels usually correspond with heavier weights for each case overall as well!

Style Of Beer

Lagers tend to be lighter than ales since they’re brewed at lower temperatures; this leads them to contain fewer fermentable sugars compared with those brewed at higher temperatures like ales or IPAs mentioned previously.

Therefore canned lagers tend to be lighter (on average) compared with most ales you’d find at your local liquor store or grocery store alike!


So now you know how much a twelve-pack of beer weighs! Keep in mind though that this number can vary depending on specific factors such as size/type of containers used for packaging as well as whatever style/brand you’re looking for—whether it’s lager or ale varieties alike! Thanks for reading and cheers!

Author Image Fabian
I’m Fabian, homebrewer and beer taster. I’m also the editor of Beer100. I love travelling the world and trying out new handcraft beer and different beer styles. I’m not an expert in brewing beer, but I know a few things about beer, which I share on this blog. If you need help or have a question, please comment below.

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