All Things Beer -

How Long Does Beer Last In A Keg?

A keg of beer is a cylindrical container usually made from stainless steel or aluminum. It holds 15.5 gallons, or approximately 1,984 fluid ounces, and is pressurized for carbonation. The …

What Is Hoppy Beer?

Are you curious about hoppy beer? Do you want to know what it is and how it affects your drinking experience? Well, hop on board! In this blog post, we …

How Long Does It Take To Brew Beer?

Homebrewing has steadily been increasing in popularity in recent years, and it’s no wonder why. It can be a fun and interesting hobby that allows you to customize your beer …

How Much Is A Beer At The Super Bowl?

The biggest event of the year that has Americans everywhere uniting in front of their TVs with friends, family, and most importantly – beer! Attending the Super Bowl is a …

How Many Oz In A Can Of Beer?

For beer lovers, the most important thing to know is how many ounces of beer can fit in a can. Whether you’re buying beer for yourself or pouring for a …

How Much Water Is In Beer?

At its core, beer is a relatively simple drink made up of four basic ingredients: water, malt (a grain), hops and yeast. Put those four together, give it some time …

How Tall Are Beer Bottles?

Beer bottles come in all shapes and sizes, and they each have their own unique characteristics. From the height of the bottlenecks to the width of their bases, there is …